VinylPlus, Committed to Sustainable Development

VinylPlus® is the European PVC industry’s commitment to sustainable development, working to improve the sustainability performance of PVC. PVC is one of the most widely used plastics in the world with a wide range of long-life applications such as window frames, pipes, flooring, cables, sport equipment, furniture and a range of lifesaving medical devices. PVC can be recycled multiple times, and VinylPlus works to do just this!

Read our Progress Report 2024

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VinylPlus signs to confirm the Green Deal as EU Priority
26 August 2024

VinylPlus signs to confirm the Green Deal as EU Priority

Together with more than 500 organisations and trade associations in the European sector, we have signed to ask EU leaders to confirm the GreenDeal as the foundation for a competitive, secure, modern a...
Carsten Heuer becomes VinylPlus New Vice-Chairman
11 July 2024

Carsten Heuer becomes VinylPlus New Vice-Chairman

We are pleased to announce that the General Assembly unanimously elected Carsten Heuer, Chief Executive Officer of REHAU Windows Solutions, as the new vice-chairman for the next two years as of May 22...
Our Progress Report 2024 is out now!
23 May 2024

Our Progress Report 2024 is out now!

Reporting on 2023 activities, the VinylPlus 2024 Progress Report is out. Find out the message of our Chairman Karl-Martin Schellerer, and get all insights and PVC recycling data: in 2023 we are get...
Position Paper: Proposals for a Global Plastic Treaty that boosts circularity and sustainability to eliminate plastic pollution
23 April 2024

Position Paper: Proposals for a Global Plastic Treaty that boosts circularity and sustainability to eliminate plastic pollution

In the context of the fourth session of the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee to develop an international legally binding instrument on plastic pollution held in Ottawa, Canada, VinylPlus publi...


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Kirsi Ekroth-Manssila Head of Unit, DG GROW, European Commission


Carlos Alvarez Pereira – Club of Rome and UNESCO Chair on Global Understanding for Sustainability

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